Here is your Bible Devotional! Welcome to Day Forty!

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Day Forty

 2 Samuel 22:29

Bible Devotional Thoughts

Is victory over my own iniquity and the oppression of others possible? And how?

In this chapter in 2 Samuel, David writes a psalm thanking God for deliverance form his enemies. And victory over his own wrongdoing.

How did David get victory? By refusing to see by his own eyes but yielding to the path illumined by God. By letting God’s light shine on his darkness.

Therefore he could keep himself from his iniquity, he could run against a troop, he could leap over a wall.

Basically, through God he could do the impossible.

Because God is perfect, powerful, and mighty.

It wasn’t David’s might that accomplished these great feats; it was God teaching and directing him and protecting him.

In the same way, we need God’s power for our victory–both internally and externally. Both the inner war inside ourselves (our habitual sins) and outside ourselves (our circumstances and the circumstances of the world around us).

We need Him to teach, guide, and protect us.

Because it is not us that can have the victory. We have the victory because of God.

Application of Bible Devotional

Spend time in prayer with Him surrendering the battles you face and asking Him to teach, guide, and protect you.


Dear Lord, you are our lamp and you illumine our hearts when our way seems dark. Thank you, Lord. Amen.

Call to Action

One of the reasons I’m starting this Bible Devotional is to ask for others to intentionally pray for our business, AngelArts.

Pray that God would shine a light on our path and that He would move through us and in us and through and in all our projects/programs.

Would you like prayer? Please respond with a prayer request and our team will pray for you in our next staff meeting! We did this last night and it was such a blessing to us! And join the group so we can be reminded to pray for you on a regular basis!

And new! If you join the Prayer Team, we have created a private Discord channel where we can pray together! Discord is a great tool for connecting and much more secure than FB Messenger.

Would you like to be even more involved? Join our AngelArts Support Prayer Team! Click here to join today!

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