Here is your Bible Devotional! Welcome to Day Thirty-Seven!

A little Bible Devotional tip–Want to add some praise singing to your devotionals but not sure how? Find music on YouTube. There are many, many songs available!

Day Thirty-Seven

1 Samuel 2:35 (27-26))

Bible Devotional Thoughts

Are you willing to be faithful, doing what is in God’s heart and mind, walking with our Anointed Savior and Lord? Or are you motivated by the love of money and living off the fat of what rightfully belongs to God and His people?

A challenging verse, especially for those who serve in the church or have a Business as Mission (BAM) like we do.

Because motivation is important. Are we in ministry/business to build mansions or to build God’s Kingdom?

I’m not talking about taking a vow of poverty. I’m talking about giving God your best and becoming a giver, not hoarding it all for yourself.

So what will you decide today? One choice brings death and destruction while the other means we will be in relationship with our priest forever.

Deep things to ponder!

Application of Bible Devotional

Give to God what is God’s to advance His Kingdom with a willing and grateful heart. Take that to Him in prayer.


Dear Lord, help us to be faithful priests who do according to what is in your heart and in your soul. Thank you that you will use us to build your legacy. We will walk before your Anointed always. Amen.

Call to Action

One of the reasons I’m starting this Bible Devotional is to ask for others to intentionally pray for our business, AngelArts.

Pray we would be faithful to walk into what God has on His heart and mind for us and that we will be determined to use our Business as Mission to advance God’s Kingdom.

Would you like prayer? Please respond with a prayer request and our team will pray for you in our next staff meeting! We did this last night and it was such a blessing to us! And join the group so we can be reminded to pray for you on a regular basis!

And new! If you join the Prayer Team, we have created a private Discord channel where we can pray together! Discord is a great tool for connecting and much more secure than FB Messenger.

Would you like to be even more involved? Join our AngelArts Support Prayer Team! Click here to join today!

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