Here is your Bible Devotional! Welcome to Day Twenty-Seven!

A little Bible Devotional tip–Before you go into your Bible study, look in the mirror and thank God for the person you see staring back. Because He made you and you have the Holy Spirit inside. He loves you.

Day Twenty-Seven

Exodus 14:31

Bible Devotional Thoughts

Maybe you can relate: Everything seems to be against me as I attempt to move out of slavery into freedom. I seem to be against me as I fall back into self sabotaging habits and time seems to be against me with this great piling on of competing time demands.

Then in our state as many states are battling now, there’s the potential cataclysmic effects of the government happening that has me spinning my wheels today as I need to make time to attend an important meeting to stop our state government’s over reach regarding vaccinations. This passage gives me hope.

The Egyptians aka state legislators) are hard on our heals (homeschoolers and those of us who believe in health choice) to enslave us into their system.

But God will show up. He will fight for us. This is the most important thing to remember during all of this or in any battle you personally face.

We are backed into a corner but He will make a way where there seems to be no way.

Application of Bible Devotional

Pray for God to make a way through whatever challenge you are going through.


Dear Lord, when we allow your power to overcome impossible obstacles, people are drawn to faith in you. May your power be evident in all we do and lead people to believe in you. Amen.

Call to Action

One of the reasons I’m starting this Bible Devotional is to ask for others to intentionally pray for our business, AngelArts.

Pray that God’s power would be evident in AngelArts and that people would come to Him through our products, services, and programs.

Would you like prayer? Please respond with a prayer request and our team will pray for you in our next staff meeting! We did this last night and it was such a blessing to us! And join the group so we can be reminded to pray for you on a regular basis!

And new! If you join the Prayer Team, we have created a private Discord channel where we can pray together! Discord is a great tool for connecting and much more secure than FB Messenger.

Would you like to be even more involved? Join our AngelArts Support Prayer Team! Click here to join today!

Has this message touched you today? Leave a comment and share what God is doing in your life and then share this blog to someone who needs this special touch by God!

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