by Tammie Polk

My pastor preaches this every year—how to honor God during Christmas. I’d like to share some of the points he brings out:

Never miss an opportunity to witness—many of us will be around family members who we KNOW don’t know Him. They may claim to; however, even they know they have no relationship with Him at all. As annoyed as they might be, do NOT miss a time to tell them about Him, especially if the Holy Spirit is tugging at your heart to do so…

Don’t get caught up in the commercialization of Christmas—I’m not saying you can’t give gifts, but don’t go into debt trying to temporarily appease anyone. Don’t go into 2019 with 2018’s Christmas bills looking at and reminding you of all that you spent. That depression isn’t worth it at ALL!

Share the Christmas story—we have a tradition in our home of sitting down as a family and reading Luke 2. It is a terribly beautiful picture of God crafting His gift to the world! They may not understand it all; however, that is a perfect teaching moment.

Accept the Gift that has already been given—there’s no better day or time to receive the Lord Jesus than at Christmas! Romans 6:23 says that the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ and there is no greater Gift than that!

I kept this one short and sweet. May you and your family experience God’s absolute BEST during the Christmas season. From my family to yours, Merry Christmas!


Tammie Polk is a married homeschooling mother of three girls from Memphis, TN. When she is not pouring info her family, she is diligently expanding her entrepreneurial empire as a 32x author, all-around speaker, and coach to women looking to eliminate excuses and create a legacy by writing their way through life! Learn more about her, her mission, and her message at


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