What We Do

We help the marginalized (special needs children and adults, stay at home moms and dads, small business owners, artists, homeschooling families, veterans, orphans, widows) who struggle with fear, low self-esteem, discouragement, depression, and lack of life purpose to achieve joy, direction, clarity, God confidence, and a sense of mission by inspiring them to grow closer to Christ through the arts, literature, and entrepreneurialism.

Our Philosophy

We believe that every person has value and is uniquely gifted by God. By becoming closer to His son Jesus Christ, we can overcome obstacles, heal hurts, and cultivate community. And then we truly become who He made us to be. Ephesians 2:10 says “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” The Greek word for workmanship is poema, which means masterpiece. Each person He makes is a masterpiece in His eyes and it’s through redemption and renewal that we truly find a full and free life.

Our Methods

We help the marginalized on every step of their journey toward a full and free life. We do this through three main branches of AngelArts: 1) Inspirational Products and Resources, 2) Homeschooling Curriculum and Resources; and 3) Branding/Graphics/Publishing creative services, training, and consulting.

Our Goals

Our goal is to help our fans and customers go from stressed out, feeling hopeless, and overwhelmed to be able to see stress through a new perspective, tools to deal with stress in a healthy way, closer to God, more confident about studying the Bible, feel grateful despite of stress, and discovering their callings and create a self-sustaining life-giving business through that. Our vision for our customers and clients is for them to turn their callings and passions into profits and give them encouragement every step of the way–from the discovery process, to launching and creating a brand, to learning how to market that brand. And our ultimate goal is for each person to use their callings so they can be a vehicle of Glory to God, impacting their world for Christ.

“He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.” –Psalm 1:3





Inspirational Arts & Products

Discover uniqueness! If you are looking for inspirational publications, Bible devotionals, Autism acceptance gift items, art and greeting cards, original art, inspirational resources, speaking and music performances, gift/home decor items and more than you have come to the right place! From poetry books to gorgeous one-of-a-kind jewelry, we have everything to inspire you to reach new heights in your life and beyond!

Homeschooling Curriculum & Enrichment Programs

If you are looking to help your child discover their talents, if you want to find homeschooling curriculum–especially in the arts and literature- if you want your children to have fun with LARPing then this is the place! We have books, curriculum, resources, and our local Enrichment program Explorers Creativity Club where we Live Action Role Play, including summer camps. Our curriculum includes subjects such as entrepreneurialism, poetry unit studies, and we’re developing literature for reluctant readers. We will also have discovery classes in photography, social media, video, and more.

Branding, Publishing & Marketing Training & Services

Are you looking to start or improve your business through branding, graphic arts services, strategic planning, and training? Are you wanting to publish a book and need services such as editing and interior and cover book design? Are you looking to have a logo, identity collateral, or marketing materials designed? Are you wanting to gain knowledge as a business owner in digital marketing and branding so you can learn how to do it yourself or hire the work out more effectively?

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