Welcome to Day Thirteen
A little devotional tip–Make exercise a part of worship by working out to Christian music before or after your devotional.
Day Thirteen
Psalm 1
Devotional Thoughts
How do you achieve blessing? How do you “be like a tree planted by the rivers of water” and “bring forth its fruit in its season?” How do you become more than chaff blowing in the wind like that ’70s folk song, “Dust in the Wind?”
It’s laid out pretty clearly in this Psalm.
Who do you spend the most time with? There is a saying, “You become like the five most people you hang around with.”
Who do you hang with?
What is their influence? Wholesome or unwholesome? Bringing you to God or away from God? Scorning God or affirming God?
What is your delight in? Do you thrill to the Word of God? Do you keep Jesus’ Greatest Commandment (Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind and love others as yourself.)
Do you think about the Word continually or are you starving yourself? You know, everyone is like “drink more water, drink more water,” but are you regularly feeding on the Word of God? Jesus in John 6 says that He is the bread. He is the life. No one who comes to Him will thirst or hunger. We do not live by bread alone, but by the Word of God.
So are you starving yourself?
A plant cannot grow without the nurturing of water. That is what Scripture is to your Christian growth!
That is the “secret” to being alive, fruitful, stable, and prosperous.
As Jesus said, what is your foundation? Sand of the world or the rock of Jesus?
What are the activities that you’re spending too much time on? Analyze that and replace some of that with Scripture reading and meditation.
Dear Lord, help us to follow Your Great Commandment and meditate on Your Word. Give us wisdom about who and what we spend our time on. Amen.
Call to Action
One of the reasons I’m starting this devotional is to ask for others to intentionally pray for our business, AngelArts.
My stumbling block is procrastinating and avoiding tasks because I am overwhelmed and often quite tired. I definitely confess I spend too much time on Facebook! I’m starting to exercise 10 minutes per day on my vibration plate machine and taking some more supplements. Please pray that I will get my energy back so I can work on crucial AngelArts projects!
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