Now has never been a better time to start your own business or to teach your children how to become an entrepreneur
Enjoy Cyber Monday pricing NOW through Tuesday, 11/28 at 11:59 pm Eastern Time!
Special #1
Your Guidebook to Growing a Family Economy Digital Set- In my curriculum, you will receive this and more:
- 17 lessons that will help you develop a brand that screams professionalism, improves your bottom line, and gets YOU noticed! Your image will sizzle! And so will your family economy! You can easily divide this course into two semesters, having plenty of time for extra study like making business plans, marketing plans, etc.
- Resources and help to build a solid foundation for your family economy.
- The 20 must-answer questions that will ensure your brand is relevant to your customer. There is so much more to discover!
- The 20 questions you must ask to unmask your identity. Again, there is so much more to discover about you and each member of your family. These questions are designed to help you gain that clarity I talked about, to help you and your family identify your passions and callings so you will find the best business fit for each of you.
- Discovering the two keys to effective logo design and using these three elements in your branding so you will soar above the competition every time.
- The four questions to ask when deciding on a business name.
- Enter coupon code DIGITALCM upon checkout.
Special #2
Your Guidebook to Growing a Family Economy Physical Paperback SetThis has everything the digital set has but it is a physical book set.
A 268-page full color visual-and content-rich guidebook manual and corresponding 190-page workbook, you and your family will learn:
The 15 steps to launching a business
How to discover your passions, callings, and vision
Business Ideas for you and your family
Marketing and branding strategic plans
Graphic design and marketing skills
An effective way to get a vision of your brand
What is the best logo, slogan, and name for YOU
How to design and print a business card and web banner
Think of building a family economy like planting seeds. You will reap what you sow! And you will be building a legacy for your children and grandchildren!
- Enter coupon code PHYSICALCM upon checkout.
Special #3
Family Economy Video Course I- The Family Economy Video Course Semester I is an 8-week video course with author and entrepreneur Dana Susan Beasley. Using her curriculum as inspiration–Your Guidebook to Growing Your Family Economy–students will begin their journey of starting their own businesses.
- This course can be for your teen and your whole family–you, your spouse, your college student, gap year student, young adult child etc.
- The first month is free and then the special price is $10/month for 2 months. All eight modules are available to watch on demand.
- Video Course II will be available for enrollment soon and will start in late January.
- Enter coupon code VIDEOCM upon checkout to receive your discount.
Our Entrepreneurial Curriculum Will Recession and Inflation Proof Your Life!
Enter code DIGITALCM upon checkout.
Watch the video to understand what a family economy is
Do You Like Actual Books? this Curriculum Will More than Do the Job!
Download a Sample to Get a Better Idea of What It’s like! Click here for the manual!
Enter code PHYSICALCM upon checkout.
Visual Learner? This Course Will Get Any Beginner Started!
Watch the video above to get a feel for what the course is like.
Enter code VIDEOCM upon checkout.
This Course Will Get You Started in Starting a Business and Is Perfect for Beginners!
Your Guidebook to Growing a Family Economy Digital Set
This is my step-by-step digital guide on how to make your family economy brand sizzle.
In this digital interactive homeschooling curriculum meant for the whole family, you will get more information on my step by step system on how to launch a successful business.
Not only that, but each page is infused with encouragement to seek out God’s callings for your life and for your children to do the same. It speaks about the role of faith in your life and how being an entrepreneur can bring you closer to Christ and to the person He made you to be. Includes an interactive workbook you can type directly into.
Enter coupon code DIGITALCM upon checkout to receive the discount.
Do You Like the Feel of Physical Books? These Color Paperbacks Will Delight!
Your Guidebook to Growing a Family Economy Set
Years ago I had a vision of turning my branding know-how into a home study course. And now I am turning it into a homeschooling curriculum for the whole family!
This is my step-by-step guide on how to make your family economy brand sizzle.
In this homeschooling curriculum meant for the whole family, you will get more information on my step by step system on how to launch a successful business.
Not only that, but each page is infused with encouragement to seek out God’s callings for your life and for your children to do the same. It speaks about the role of faith in your life and how being an entrepreneur can bring you closer to Christ and to the person He made you to be.
Are you ready to create multiple streams of income for your whole family? Are you ready to embrace His callings for your life and for the life of your children? Because this curriculum will set you on a journey to build your family economy and discover your unique brand—
A brand that will sizzle!
And you will have a dazzling future! Because you will reach for God’s best for your life and for the life of your children as promised in Jeremiah 29:11.
Enter code PHYSICALCM to get your discount!
Prefer Video on Demand? this Course Is Just the Ticket!
Watch this intro video!
Family Economy Video Course I
- Module 1: Why You Need a Family Economy (Available immediately upon enrollment)
- Module 2: The Basic Business Building Steps (Available immediately upon enrollment)
- Module 3: Create a Vision of Your Family Economy (Available immediately upon enrollment)
- Module 4: Definitions You MUST Know to Get Started (Available immediately upon enrollment)
- Module 5: Persona VS Name: Which One Are You? (Available immediately upon enrollment)
- Module 6: Essential Elements of a Well-Designed Logo/Brand (Available immediately upon enrollment)
- Module 7: The Best Software to Build Your Brand (Available immediately upon enrollment) Module 8: Generate Ideas that
- Spark Your Creativity (Available immediately upon enrollment))
- Bonus #1: Income Streams Worksheet (Available immediately upon enrollment)
- Bonus #2: Your Dazzling Future Encouraging Audio? (Available 2nd Week)
- Bonus #3: Business Planning Course (Available 3rd Week)
- Bonus #4: Basic Graphic Design Tutorial and Software Demonstration and Course (Available on Module 7)
- Part II (a separate charge and enrollment will open in December 2024) will include modules on brand strategy, color theory, typography, choosing a graphic, and a design tutorial to create a logo and web banner. We will end with a show and tell of the student work. The course will begin in January 2024.