Here is your Bible Devotional! Welcome to Day Forty-Six!

A little Bible Devotional tip–Don’t have the energy for a quiet time? Listen to the album Inspiring Calm by John Mansfield. You can find it on iTunes.

Day Forty-Six

2 Chronicles 20:6

Bible Devotional Thoughts

God is…

God of our fathers. He’s not a myth, He is the Living God who has always worked in real lives and our ancestors and the fathers of Israel can attest to that.

God in heaven. He is above and He is from above. He has a perspective that we as human beings cannot begin to understand. His realm is not of this earth.

He rules over the kingdoms of the nations. The rulers don’t think so, but He does rule. His will will last because He is sovereign. No matter how out of control governments stray. God is ultimately in control. Better to fear Him than any government.

In His hand is power and might. He is not a weakling. He is not limited. Sometimes we put limits on Him but that is a false perspective. There is nothing He can’t do.

No one is able to withstand God. I see this on two fronts: 1) Those He chooses He woos. In other words He reaches down in love in the midst of our darkness. He is irresistable. 2) Those who reject Him and do live in reverent fear of Him will buckle under His judgment. “Every knew shall bow.”

Application of Bible Devotional

Think about what you feel is impossible about your life and yield those up to God.


Dear Lord, power and might are in your hand. We thank you that you are sovereign. Amen.

Call to Action

One of the reasons I’m starting this Bible Devotional is to ask for others to intentionally pray for our business, AngelArts.

Pray that we would walk in faith in the midst of all of the impossible challenges in our midst.

Would you like prayer? Please respond with a prayer request and our team will pray for you in our next staff meeting! We did this last night and it was such a blessing to us! And join the group so we can be reminded to pray for you on a regular basis!

And new! If you join the Prayer Team, we have created a private Discord channel where we can pray together! Discord is a great tool for connecting and much more secure than FB Messenger.

Would you like to be even more involved? Join our AngelArts Support Prayer Team! Click here to join today!

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