Here is your Bible Devotional! Welcome to Day Thirty-Nine!
A little Bible Devotional tip–In order to have devotionals consistently, have a plan. Use resources such as YouVersion or BibleGateway.
Day Thirty-Nine
1 Samuel 12:24
Bible Devotional Thoughts
God’s people make huge mistakes. We commit evil. We desire to be like the world. We think having a politician ruling over us is going to bring us security. We forget the God who is holy and mighty. We stumble and fall.
And yet, God does not give up on us. He does not forsake us. He gives us our heart’s desire even though He knows that sometimes it’s not best. But He will use it, in the end for His purposes and His glory. He loves us so much that He allows us to feel the pain of the consequences of our sin. So we’ll turn back to Him with all our hearts. So we will fear Him and serve Him in truth. So that we will remember what great things He has done for us.
Application of Bible Devotional
Think about and thank Him for the great things He has done for you. Share in the comments below!
Dear Lord, we fear and reverence you. Help us to serve you in truth with all our hearts for we consider what great things you have done for us. Amen.
Call to Action
One of the reasons I’m starting this Bible Devotional is to ask for others to intentionally pray for our business, AngelArts.
Pray we would serve the Lord in truth with all our hearts and that we would constantly share God’s “glory in our story” to others.
Would you like prayer? Please respond with a prayer request and our team will pray for you in our next staff meeting! We did this last night and it was such a blessing to us! And join the group so we can be reminded to pray for you on a regular basis!
And new! If you join the Prayer Team, we have created a private Discord channel where we can pray together! Discord is a great tool for connecting and much more secure than FB Messenger.
Would you like to be even more involved? Join our AngelArts Support Prayer Team! Click here to join today!
Has this message touched you today? Leave a comment and share what God is doing in your life and then share this blog to someone who needs this special touch by God!