Okay, so let’s talk about the elephant in the room. The world is messed up. America is messed up. Everything’s out of control with a labor shortage. The news just seems to get worse and worse.

Everything’s doom and gloom and the world is going to end tomorrow, right?

Well, first of all, turn off the news, especially if it’s mainstream.

Then think about this:

Where a pessimist sees negativity, an optimist sees positivity. And an entrepreneur?

Sees opportunity.

That’s why entrepreneurialism is more important than ever and it IS an important consideration for the future of your children.

But what are the benefits?

Here’s five to get you excited:

1) You and your children live out your passions and callings.

The best type of business owner, the most successful companies, are built upon individual passions and callings. Why? Because when the going gets tough (and it will), you won’t quit. Because your why is much bigger than just chasing the rainbow of that pot of gold.

When you follow your passions and callings, life and business are an adventure. You enjoy what you’re doing. You BELIEVE in what you’re doing. This attracts customers to you. And besides if you don’t believe in yourself, why would anyone else believe in you?

Developing your passions and callings allow you to be what was in the late 60s called self-actualization. To reach your full potential.

But most of all, to live out the destiny that God gave you. To invest your talents into the kingdom of God.

2) You and your children can be influencers in the Kingdom.

So who has more of an impact—pastors or business men and women?

Actually in many cases it’s those who are in business. Business owners can talk to people who will not ever walk into a church. Business owners can be like Paul, a tentmaker. Business owners can be missionaries developing relationships in such a way that the lost are brought to Christ.

In fact, missionaries who go to other countries as business owners have more success going into closed countries and even developing relationships than traditional missionaries, especially these days.

And entrepreneurs bring solutions to problems big and small. Entrepreneurs are world changers!

As Christians, you and your family can live out your lives in a very exciting endeavor—being a Business as Mission. It’s like being a secret agent for God!

3) Self-Reliance or more accurately GOD-RELIANCE.

Remember this word, self-reliance? It was what America was built on! It seems to be a bad word these days.

Well, maybe people need a bit more of this self-reliance in these turbulent times!

Instead of depending on government or an employer, what if you depended on yourself?

Or more importantly, depended on God!

Really, that’s what it gets down to.

Since becoming an entrepreneurial family whose sole source of income is our businesses, I have had to trust in God like never before.

This has resulted in personal growth I never thought possible or even dreamed of.

See, even a year ago, I was timid, shy, and unwilling to put myself out there in bold ways. Plus, years ago I was a pushover.

No more. Day by day I get more bold. Just in these last few months I have reached out to community leaders to get speaking engagements, I entered my son in a photography contest and he got runner up, and we are now starting a networking group for property professionals in order to acquire more clients for my husband’s business!

Mostly, I am learning that God will and WANTS TO take care of me.

So it’s not so much self-reliance, but GOD-RELIANCE.

4) Flexibility.

The wonderful advantage of being an entrepreneur is flexibility. Want to go camping mid-week? You can. Just work on a Saturday to make up for it if you need to. Are you a night person? If your business doesn’t require interaction with clients or customers all the time—say if you are a graphic designer—you can do most of your work when you feel most creative.

In fact, it’s after 11 pm as I am writing this. Often I don’t get my creative juices until 8 or 8:30 and I work until midnight.

Working at home gives great flexibility. You don’t have to drive as much, you don’t need to eat out that much, you don’t need as many nice clothes, and on and on.

And being an entrepreneur works great in combination with homeschooling.

That’s actually what caught my attention back in 2008 when we decided to homeschool our son. I realized that having my own business and homeschooling was going to work beautifully with one another. And they have.

In fact, now my son is my apprentice and I am teaching him graphic design. As a young man with Aspergers, it’s highly unlikely that he will go to college. That’s ok. He has the potential to be an even better graphic artist than I am!

5) Multiple Streams of Income.

The last benefit I’m going to talk about (and I could take all day to talk about more of them) is to have multiple streams of income.

Life is about ups and downs and it’s the same with finances. There is nothing guaranteed in life.

Even when you have a job, you can be subject to layoffs. Especially these days. Think of all the people who are leaving their professions because of the mandates companies are issuing.

Back during the Great Recession, my husband’s job was cut back. His paychecks were delayed. One even bounced!

When March 2020 came around, our family was doing fine because my husband worked full-time from home as an architect. He had a whole slew of projects. We made more in 2020 than we ever had!

And you can create several different avenues of products and services. In my business, we have several that we’re building: our local enrichment program, our books and art products, our homeschooling curriculum, our online school, and soon to be our graphic design agency services.

Then combine that with more businesses in the family. When my husband’s business has been lagging, my business has been able to help us survive. My goal is to build my business to give my husband a break so he has some time to develop some products. My son and nephew are building their own businesses. My son is going to be my apprentice and help me with graphic design jobs. My son and nephew are going to work on a business together.

This is what I call a Family Economy. We all have our own businesses and we help each other. It’s brought us closer as a family. It’s taught us more about ourselves than we can ever imagine.

Is it easy all the time? No way. But because we know our why, we keep going when times get tough, trusting that God is going to take care of us and that there will be brighter days ahead.

So is this something that sounds exciting to you? It may sound great, but now what? You might be very overwhelmed by the idea.

That’s ok. I was, too! That’s why I created a step-by-step curriculum and video course to help families conceptualize and start their businesses so that they would have fun in the process, learn about themselves, and be successful in the endeavor.

Want to learn more? Click here to find out about what I have to offer and how entrepreneurialism can benefit your whole family.


Photo by Dana Susan Beasley

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